Employee Surveys,
powered by IA

Generate insights and accelerate continuous improvement in your organization with intelligent surveys.

Backed by Science and Experts

Say goodbye to long survey forms. Our AI picks the most pertinent questions from survey templates based on the context.

More than 1000 criteria selected from Experts

Self-assessments curated by Experts in organization development and HR.

Employee Engagement

Team Performance


Organization Performance


Surveys per Email or MS Teams

Invite participants to answer the survey via email or MS Teams.

Survey results are anonymous and respect regulations for employee privacy.

Integrated with retrospective tools

Invite teams to reflect about the survey results and propose actions for improvement.

Organization Analytics

Track the progress of your teams and organizations on dashboards and identify improvement potential of your organization.

More than 10000 employee surveys performed with teammeter.

More than 25000 improvements decided by teams.

Teams using teammeter regularly are 15% more satisfied than others

Teams progress 20% faster on their KPIs.

Request a demo

Discover how to improve teamwork and increase employee satisfaction with teammeter.