Partnership Program


teammeter is a software that supports organizations to create more transparency in order to continuously improve the organization.

The philosophy of teammeter is based on self-organization: employees should decide for themselves what and how they want to develop.

To better live agile principles, teammeter users need support from coaches and consultants.

That is why we are building a network of partner companies that can support the introduction of teammeter.

What benefits your company has as a partner?

  • For every software sale, we recommend the support of Agile Coaches. If the customer has no coach and you are in the same area, we will recommend your company.
  • If you recommend teammeter to your customer, you will receive a 10% commission on the license price (lifetime). Your customer gets a 10% discount, because we know he is in good hands.
  • When teammeter is used at your client’s organization, you can better show them that your support is having an impact, as any change in company culture becomes measurable.

How does it work?

If you have made an intro of teammeter to a customer, let us know about it. We will inform you every 3 months about the status of this customer. If they have ordered from us, you can invoice us every 6 months to get the commission.

Our expectations

  • We want you to recommend teammeter if you think it is good for your customer, not because you get a commission for it. Your customer should get the product that fits the best. Please be transparent with them about our partnership.
  • “eat your own dog food”: You can best recommend a product if you have worked with it yourself. To recommend us, you must be an active user. You can use our software free of charge for 2 teams.
  • We want to be in regular contact with you. You should have time to talk to us twice a year so that we can show you the latest features of teammeter and get your feedback.

Interested? Then contact us!