Make your teams extraordinary

teammeter is the first software platform helping teams learn faster and reach excellence.

Develop skills and improve teamwork with self-assessments and retrospectives.


An innovative team enablement platform

Select the solutions that you need

Skill matrix

Visualize your team’s skills and make training plans.

Health check

Improve employee engagement, team maturity and agile practices.


Facilitate the process of reflection on your work and grow as a team.

Take advantage of the collective intelligence

teammeter is the first platform to unleash the potential of agile and self-organizing teams. It brings more transparency, enabling people to learn faster, align to common goals and make better decisions.

Accelerate the continuous improvement in your teams

  • Plan: Define your development objectives with required skills, behaviors, experiences and norms.
  • Assess: Perform intelligent self-assessments and collect continuous feedback.
  • Analyze: Identify the main areas to be improved through data analysis.
  • Decide: Decide collectively actions for improvement. Get training recommendations from a knowledge base.

Team health checks

teammeter provides team and organizational health checks to assess the employee satisfaction and agile practices.

With the integrated retrospective tool, teams are guided to find and implement actions.

“Thanks to the anonymous surveys in teammeter, the employees have the possibility to share honestly their experience. We can see tendencies and take countermeasures in case we detect a problem.”

Philipp Köhler – Co-Founder of Upsters Energy

“As Agility Master, I have to create a framework in which my teams can constantly become better. The features of teammeter help me identify needs for actions together with the teams in a playful and at the same time stringent and structured way. I use teammeter regularly for retrospectives and am always thrilled by the ease of use and the relevant findings.”

Philipp Funke – Agility Master, Consultant and Leader at DB Systel GmbH

Skill development made easy

The success of teams depends above all on their skills. With the skill matrix in TeamMeter, you can identify skill gaps and create training plans for employees.


Secured Cloud hosting in Europe.
Hosting in your infrastructure possible.

Compliant to European Data Protection Policy (GDPR).

Data aggregation in your organization structure and display in a company dashboard.

Connection with Data Analytics Tools (e.g Tableau) with a RESTfull API.

Single Sign-On with your company authentication server using the OAUTH protocol.

Integration with JIRA for task management.